Time to Teach country reports

Teacher attendance and time on task in primary and secondary schools

A teacher helps a student in a classroom, Liberia


Teachers are a critical component to children’s learning and wellbeing. If children are to develop the necessary skills to break out of poverty, lead productive lives, and reach their full potential, understanding better teachers’ working and living conditions and improving teacher attendance need to be priorities.

 Time to Teach captures the voices of thousands of teachers and other education stakeholders to identify factors affecting teacher attendance, and uses this evidence to inform the design and implementation of teacher policies in 20 African countries. 

Drawing from both quantitative and qualitative data on a range of topics—from motivation to retention—this research aims to identify solutions for sustainable change. 

Established in 2017, the project is a collaboration between UNICEF Innocenti, UNICEF regional and country offices, national governments, local research partners, FCDO, World Bank, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Mastercard Foundation. 

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English, French, Portuguese