Parenting Programmes to Reduce Violence Against Children and Women

Brief series

Happy family


While reducing children’s exposure to violence in the family requires working with individuals and families, communities, services, and systems to change attitudes, behaviours, and norms, this four-part evidence brief series intentionally highlights parenting programmes. In many communities, parenting programmes are already reaching parents and caregivers. Evidence suggests these programmes can be strengthened to reduce violence against both children and women and to promote gender equality, in addition to enhancing parenting and child outcomes. The first three briefs of this series offer insights into how violence against children (VAC) and violence against women (VAW) often co-occur in families and distills the evidence supporting the potential that parenting programmes designed to prevent violence and promote nurturing environments for children, can also help reduce other forms of violence in the family. 

Document cover
UNICEF Innocenti; Prevention Collaborative; Equimundo
Publication date