Multidimensional Child Poverty in Montenegro

Understanding the complex realities of children in poverty using a mixed-method approach

Multidimensional Child Poverty in Montenegro cover
UNICEF Montenegro


Efforts to measure poverty among children have traditionally relied on calculations of household income. But it has become clear that such a one-dimensional approach is inadequate for understanding the depth, breadth and consequences of child poverty. This report takes a different, far more nuanced, approach. As a study of multidimensional poverty, it explores the various ways in which poverty is manifested among Montenegro’s children – affecting their health, education, safety and future human development. The approach, developed by the United Nations Children’s Fund UNICEF and its Office of Research - Innocenti, is known as a ‘Multidimensional Overlapping Deprivation Analysis’. Using data from surveys designed to measure the situation of children and households, it identifies the different ways that children experience poverty and how these overlap, creating a series of obstacles that prevent children from fulfilling their rights as defined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), acceded to by Montenegro on 23 October 2006.

Multidimensional Child Poverty in Montenegro cover
UNICEF Innocenti, UNICEF Montenegro
Publication date
English, Montenegrin

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